本帖最后由 pinggubao 于 2018-9-12 10:22 编辑
官方演示地址: https://demo.grapecity.com.cn/spreadjs/ExcelLikeSample/inspector.html 下载地址 http://www.blankh.cn/upload/201809/11/201809112005538095.zip 汉化 80% 左右
- var uiResource = {
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- exportExcel: "导出 Excel"
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- download: "右击下载链接文件为…",
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- importFile: "导入 File",
- insertTable: "插入下拉框",
- insertPicture: "插入图片",
- insertComment: "插入批注",
- insertSparkline: "插入 Sparkline",
- insertChart: "插入 Chart",
- insertSlicer: "插入 Slicer"
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- comment: "批注",
- picture: "图片",
- sparklineEx: "Sparkline",
- chartEx: "Chart",
- slicer: "Slicer"
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- title: "基础",
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- allowContextMenu: "允许上下文菜单"
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- title: "计算",
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- title: "参考样式",
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- title: "页框",
- visible: "可见光",
- newTabVisible: "新标签可见",
- editable: "可编辑的",
- showTabNavigation: "显示标签导航"
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- title: "颜色",
- spreadBackcolor: "表格区域背景色",
- grayAreaBackcolor: "无表格区域背景色"
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- title: "Tip",
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- showDragFillTip: "Show Drag Fill Tip",
- scrollTip: {
- title: "Scroll Tip",
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- none: "None",
- horizontal: "Horizontal",
- vertical: "Vertical",
- both: "Both"
- }
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- title: "Resize Tip",
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- none: "None",
- column: "Column",
- row: "Row",
- both: "Both"
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- title: "Cut / Copy",
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- }
- }
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- title: "模板",
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- excel2013DarkGray: "Excel2013 Dark Gray",
- excel2016Colorful: "Excel2016 Colorful",
- excel2016DarkGray: "Excel2016 Dark Gray"
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- option: {
- defaultValue: "Default",
- enhanced: "Enhanced"
- }
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- general: {
- title: "基础设置",
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- columnCount: "列数",
- name: "工作簿名称",
- tabColor: "工作簿标签颜色"
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- title: "冻结",
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- trailingFrozenColumnCount: "表尾冻结列数",
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- freezePane: "冻结",
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- title: "选中",
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- hide: "选中是否显示",
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- title: "Policy",
- values: {
- single: "Single",
- range: "Range",
- multiRange: "MultiRange"
- }
- },
- unit: {
- title: "选择方式",
- values: {
- cell: "单元格",
- row: "整行",
- column: "整列"
- }
- }
- },
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- title: "保护",
- protectSheet: "保护工作簿",
- selectLockCells: "选择锁定单元格",
- selectUnlockedCells: "选择未锁定的单元格",
- sort: "排序",
- useAutoFilter: "使用自动筛选程序",
- resizeRows: "调整行大小",
- resizeColumns: "调整列大小",
- editObjects: "编辑对象"
- }
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- style: {
- title: "样式",
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- cellPadding: "内边距",
- cellLabel: {
- title: "标签设置",
- visibility: "可见性",
- visibilityOption: {
- auto: "自动",
- visible: "可见",
- hidden: "隐藏"
- },
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- topLeft: "上左",
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- fontSize: "字号",
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- labelMargin: "外边距"
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- title: "Border",
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- bottom: "底部边线",
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- right: "右边线",
- none: "无边线",
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- thickBottom: "Thick Bottom Border",
- topBottom: "Top and Bottom Border",
- topThickBottom: "Top and Thick Bottom Border",
- topDoubleBottom: "Top and Double Bottom Border"
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- title: "边线",
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- wrapText: "Wrap Text",
- decreaseIndent: "Decrease Indent",
- increaseIndent: "Increase Indent"
- },
- format: {
- title: "数据格式",
- commonFormat: {
- option: {
- general: "通用",
- number: "数字",
- currency: "货币",
- accounting: "Accounting",
- shortDate: "短日期",
- longDate: "长日期",
- time: "时间",
- percentage: "百分比",
- fraction: "分数",
- scientific: "Scientific",
- text: "文本"
- }
- },
- percentValue: "0%",
- commaValue: "#,##0.00; (#,##0.00); "-"??;@",
- custom: "定制",
- setButton: "Set"
- },
- merge: {
- title: "合并单元",
- mergeCells: "合并",
- unmergeCells: "拆分"
- },
- cellType: {
- title: "Cell Type"
- },
- conditionalFormat: {
- title: "Conditional Formatting",
- useConditionalFormats: "Conditional Formats"
- },
- protection: {
- title: "保护",
- lock: "锁定",
- sheetIsProtected: "受保护的工作簿",
- sheetIsUnprotected: "未受保护的工作簿"
- }
- },
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- tableStyle: {
- title: "Table Style",
- light: {
- light1: "light1",
- light2: "light2",
- light3: "light3",
- light7: "light7"
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- medium2: "medium2",
- medium3: "medium3",
- medium7: "medium7"
- },
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- dark3: "dark3",
- dark7: "dark7"
- }
- },
- general: {
- title: "General",
- tableName: "Name"
- },
- options: {
- title: "Options",
- filterButton: "Filter Button",
- headerRow: "Header Row",
- totalRow: "Total Row",
- bandedRows: "Banded Rows",
- bandedColumns: "Banded Columns",
- firstColumn: "First Column",
- lastColumn: "Last Column"
- }
- },
- dataTab: {
- sort: {
- title: "排序 & 筛选",
- asc: "排序 A-Z",
- desc: "排序 Z-A",
- filter: "筛选"
- },
- group: {
- title: "分组",
- group: "分组",
- ungroup: "取消分组",
- showDetail: "展开分组",
- hideDetail: "隐藏分组",
- showRowOutline: "显示行分组",
- showColumnOutline: "显示列分组"
- },
- dataValidation: {
- title: "数据验证",
- setButton: "Set",
- clearAllButton: "Clear All",
- circleInvalidData: "Circle Invalid Data",
- setting: {
- title: "Setting",
- values: {
- validatorType: {
- title: "Validator Type",
- option: {
- anyValue: "Any Value",
- number: "Number",
- list: "List",
- formulaList: "FormulaList",
- date: "Date",
- textLength: "Text Length",
- custom: "Custom"
- }
- },
- ignoreBlank: "IgnoreBlank",
- validatorComparisonOperator: {
- title: "Operator",
- option: {
- between: "Between",
- notBetween: "NotBetween",
- equalTo: "EqualTo",
- notEqualTo: "NotEqualTo",
- greaterThan: "GreaterThan",
- lessThan: "LessThan",
- greaterThanOrEqualTo: "GreaterThanOrEqualTo",
- lessThanOrEqualTo: "LessThanOrEqualTo"
- }
- },
- number: {
- minimum: "Minimum",
- maximum: "Maximum",
- value: "Value",
- isInteger: "Is Integer"
- },
- source: "Source",
- date: {
- startDate: "Start Date",
- endDate: "End Date",
- value: "Value",
- isTime: "Is Time"
- },
- formula: "Formula"
- }
- },
- inputMessage: {
- title: "Input Message",
- values: {
- showInputMessage: "Show when cell is selected",
- title: "Title",
- message: "Message"
- }
- },
- errorAlert: {
- title: "Error Alert",
- values: {
- showErrorAlert: "Show after invalid data is entered",
- alertType: {
- title: "Alert Type",
- option: {
- stop: "Stop",
- warning: "Warning",
- information: "Information"
- }
- },
- title: "Title",
- message: "Message"
- }
- }
- }
- },
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- general: {
- title: "General",
- dynamicSize: "Dynamic Size",
- dynamicMove: "Dynamic Move",
- lockText: "Lock Text",
- showShadow: "Show Shadow"
- },
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- title: "Font",
- fontFamily: "Font",
- fontSize: "Size",
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- title: "Style",
- values: {
- normal: "normal",
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- oblique: "oblique",
- inherit: "inherit"
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- title: "Weight",
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- normal: "normal",
- bold: "bold",
- bolder: "bolder",
- lighter: "lighter"
- }
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- title: "Decoration",
- values: {
- none: "none",
- underline: "underline",
- overline: "overline",
- linethrough: "linethrough"
- }
- }
- },
- border: {
- title: "Border",
- width: "Width",
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- title: "Style",
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- dashed: "dashed",
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- ridge: "ridge",
- inset: "inset",
- outset: "outset"
- }
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- color: "Color"
- },
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- title: "Appearance",
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- title: "Horizontal",
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- title: "Display Mode",
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- padding: "Padding",
- zIndex: "Z-Index",
- opacity: "Opacity"
- }
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- general: {
- title: "General",
- moveAndSize: "Move and size with cells",
- moveAndNoSize: "Move and don't size with cells",
- noMoveAndSize: "Don't move and size with cells",
- fixedPosition: "Fixed Position"
- },
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- title: "Border",
- width: "Width",
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- inset: "inset",
- outset: "outset"
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- color: "Color"
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- title: "Appearance",
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- title: "Stretch",
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- none: "None"
- }
- },
- backColor: "Backcolor"
- }
- },
- sparklineExTab: {
- pieSparkline: {
- title: "PieSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- percentage: "Percentage",
- color: "Color ",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- areaSparkline: {
- title: "AreaSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- line1: "Line 1",
- line2: "Line 2",
- minimumValue: "Minimum Value",
- maximumValue: "Maximum Value",
- points: "Points",
- positiveColor: "Positive Color",
- negativeColor: "Negative Color",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- boxplotSparkline: {
- title: "BoxPlotSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- points: "Points",
- boxplotClass: "BoxPlotClass",
- scaleStart: "ScaleStart",
- scaleEnd: "ScaleEnd",
- acceptableStart: "AcceptableStart",
- acceptableEnd: "AcceptableEnd",
- colorScheme: "ColorScheme",
- style: "Style",
- showAverage: "Show Average",
- vertical: "Vertical",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- bulletSparkline: {
- title: "BulletSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- measure: "Measure",
- target: "Target",
- maxi: "Maxi",
- forecast: "Forecast",
- good: "Good",
- bad: "Bad",
- tickunit: "Tickunit",
- colorScheme: "ColorScheme",
- vertical: "Vertical",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- cascadeSparkline: {
- title: "CascadeSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- pointsRange: "PointsRange",
- pointIndex: "PointIndex",
- minimum: "Minimum",
- maximum: "Maximum",
- positiveColor: "ColorPositive",
- negativeColor: "ColorNegative",
- labelsRange: "LabelsRange",
- vertical: "Vertical",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- compatibleSparkline: {
- title: "CompatibleSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- data: {
- title: "Data",
- dataOrientation: "DataOrientation",
- dateAxisData: "DateAxisData",
- dateAxisOrientation: "DateAxisOrientation",
- displayEmptyCellAs: "DisplayEmptyCellAs",
- showDataInHiddenRowOrColumn: "Show data in hidden rows and columns"
- },
- show: {
- title: "Show",
- showFirst: "Show First",
- showLast: "Show Last",
- showHigh: "Show High",
- showLow: "Show Low",
- showNegative: "Show Negative",
- showMarkers: "Show Markers"
- },
- group: {
- title: "Group",
- minAxisType: "MinAxisType",
- maxAxisType: "MaxAxisType",
- manualMin: "ManualMin",
- manualMax: "ManualMax",
- rightToLeft: "RightToLeft",
- displayXAxis: "Display XAxis"
- },
- style: {
- title: "Style",
- negative: "Negative",
- markers: "Markers",
- axis: "Axis",
- series: "Series",
- highMarker: "High Marker",
- lowMarker: "Low Marker",
- firstMarker: "First Marker",
- lastMarker: "Last Marker",
- lineWeight: "Line Weight"
- },
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- hbarSparkline: {
- title: "HbarSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- value: "Value",
- colorScheme: "ColorScheme",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- vbarSparkline: {
- title: "VarSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- value: "Value",
- colorScheme: "ColorScheme",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- paretoSparkline: {
- title: "ParetoSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- points: "Points",
- pointIndex: "PointIndex",
- colorRange: "ColorRange",
- highlightPosition: "HighlightPosition",
- target: "Target",
- target2: "Target2",
- label: "Label",
- vertical: "Vertical",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- // pieSparkline: {
- // title: "PieSparkline Setting",
- // values: {
- // percentage: "Percentage",
- // color: "Color",
- // setButton: "Set"
- // }
- // },
- scatterSparkline: {
- title: "ScatterSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- points1: "Points1",
- points2: "Points2",
- minX: "MinX",
- maxX: "MaxX",
- minY: "MinY",
- maxY: "MaxY",
- hLine: "HLine",
- vLine: "VLine",
- xMinZone: "XMinZone",
- xMaxZone: "XMaxZone",
- yMinZone: "YMinZone",
- yMaxZone: "YMaxZone",
- color1: "Color1",
- color2: "Color2",
- tags: "Tags",
- drawSymbol: "Draw Symbol",
- drawLines: "Draw Lines",
- dashLine: "Dash Line",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- spreadSparkline: {
- title: "SpreadSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- points: "Points",
- scaleStart: "ScaleStart",
- scaleEnd: "ScaleEnd",
- style: "Style",
- colorScheme: "ColorScheme",
- showAverage: "Show Average",
- vertical: "Vertical",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- stackedSparkline: {
- title: "StackedSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- points: "Points",
- colorRange: "ColorRange",
- labelRange: "LabelRange",
- maximum: "Maximum",
- targetRed: "TargetRed",
- targetGreen: "TargetGreen",
- targetBlue: "TargetBlue",
- targetYellow: "TargetYellow",
- color: "Color",
- highlightPosition: "HighlightPosition",
- textOrientation: "TextOrientation",
- textSize: "TextSize",
- vertical: "Vertical",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- variSparkline: {
- title: "VariSparkline Setting",
- values: {
- variance: "Variance",
- reference: "Reference",
- mini: "Mini",
- maxi: "Maxi",
- mark: "Mark",
- tickunit: "TickUnit",
- colorPositive: "ColorPositive",
- colorNegative: "ColorNegative",
- legend: "Legend",
- vertical: "Vertical",
- setButton: "Set"
- }
- },
- monthSparkline: {
- title: "MonthSparkline Setting"
- },
- yearSparkline: {
- title: "YearSparkline Setting"
- },
- monthYear: {
- data: "Data",
- month: "Month",
- year: "Year",
- emptyColor: "Empty Color",
- startColor: "Start Color",
- middleColor: "Middle Color",
- endColor: "End Color",
- colorRange: "Color Range",
- setButton: "set"
- },
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- vertical: "Vertical",
- horizontal: "Horizontal"
- },
- axisType: {
- individual: "Individual",
- custom: "Custom"
- },
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- gaps: "Gaps",
- zero: "Zero",
- connect: "Connect"
- },
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- fiveNS: "5NS",
- sevenNS: "7NS",
- tukey: "Tukey",
- bowley: "Bowley",
- sigma: "Sigma3"
- },
- boxplotStyle: {
- classical: "Classical",
- neo: "Neo"
- },
- paretoLabel: {
- none: "None",
- single: "Single",
- cumulated: "Cumulated"
- },
- spreadStyle: {
- stacked: "Stacked",
- spread: "Spread",
- jitter: "Jitter",
- poles: "Poles",
- stackedDots: "StackedDots",
- stripe: "Stripe"
- }
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- chartType: "Chart Type",
- backColor: "Background color",
- values: {
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- title: "Chart Area",
- backColor: "Background color",
- color: "Color",
- fontSize: "Font Size",
- fontFamily: "Font"
- },
- chartTitle: {
- title: "Chart Title",
- text: "Text",
- chartType: "Chart Type",
- dataRange: "Data Range"
- },
- series: {
- title: "Series",
- seriesIndex:'Series',
- axisGroup: "Axis Group",
- lineWidth:"Line Width",
- primary:"Primary",
- secondary:"Secondary"
- },
- legend: {
- title: "Legend",
- position: {
- title: "Position",
- values: {
- left: "Left",
- right: "Right",
- top: "Top",
- bottom: "Bottom"
- }
- },
- showLegend: "Show Legend"
- },
- dataLabels: {
- title: "Data Labels",
- showValue: "Show Value",
- showSeriesName: "Show Series Name",
- showCategoryName: "Show Category Name",
- position: {
- title: "Position",
- values: {
- }
- },
- color: "Color"
- },
- axes: {
- title: "Axes",
- axisType: {
- title: "Axis Type",
- values: {
- primaryCategory: "PrimaryCategory",
- primaryValue: "PrimaryValue",
- secondaryCategory: "SecondaryCategory",
- secondaryValue: "SecondaryValue"
- }
- },
- aixsTitle: "Title",
- titleColor: "Title Color",
- titleFontSize: "Title Size",
- titleFontFamily: "Title Font",
- showMajorGridline: "Show Major Gridline",
- showMinorGridline: "Show Minor Gridline",
- showAxis: "Show Axis",
- lineColor: "Line Color",
- lineWidth: "Line Width",
- TickPosition: {
- majorTitle: "Major Tick Position",
- minorTitle: "Minor Tick Position",
- values: {
- cross: "Cross",
- inside: "Inside",
- none: "None",
- outside: "Outside"
- }
- },
- majorUnit: "Major Unit",
- minorUnit: "Minor Unit",
- majorGridlineWidth: "Major Gridline Width",
- minorGridlineWidth: "Minor Gridline Width",
- majorGridlineColor: "Major Gridline Color",
- minorGridlineColor: "Minor Gridline Color",
- tickLabelPosition: {
- title: "Tick Label Position",
- values: {
- none: "None",
- nextToAxis: "NextToAxis"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- setButton: "Set",
- combo: {
- title: "ClusteredColumn-LineChart Setting",
- value: {}
- }
- },
- slicerTab: {
- slicerStyle: {
- title: "Slicer Style",
- light: {
- light1: "light1",
- light2: "light2",
- light3: "light3",
- light5: "light5",
- light6: "light6"
- },
- dark: {
- dark1: "dark1",
- dark2: "dark2",
- dark3: "dark3",
- dark5: "dark5",
- dark6: "dark6"
- }
- },
- general: {
- title: "General",
- name: "Name",
- captionName: "Caption Name",
- itemSorting: {
- title: "Item Sorting",
- option: {
- none: "None",
- ascending: "Ascending",
- descending: "Descending"
- }
- },
- displayHeader: "Display Header"
- },
- layout: {
- title: "Layout",
- columnNumber: "Column Number",
- buttonHeight: "Button Height",
- buttonWidth: "Button Width"
- },
- property: {
- title: "Property",
- moveAndSize: "Move and size with cells",
- moveAndNoSize: "Move and don't size with cells",
- noMoveAndSize: "Don't move and size with cells",
- locked: "Locked"
- }
- },
- colorPicker: {
- themeColors: "Theme Colors",
- standardColors: "Standard Colors",
- noFills: "No Fills"
- },
- conditionalFormat: {
- setButton: "Set",
- ruleTypes: {
- title: "Type",
- highlightCells: {
- title: "Highlight Cells Rules",
- values: {
- cellValue: "Cell Value",
- specificText: "Specific Text",
- dateOccurring: "Date Occurring",
- unique: "Unique",
- duplicate: "Duplicate"
- }
- },
- topBottom: {
- title: "Top/Bottom Rules",
- values: {
- top10: "Top10",
- average: "Average"
- }
- },
- dataBars: {
- title: "Data Bars",
- labels: {
- minimum: "Minimum",
- maximum: "Maximum",
- type: "Type",
- value: "Value",
- appearance: "Appearance",
- showBarOnly: "Show Bar Only",
- useGradient: "Use Gradien",
- showBorder: "Show Border",
- barDirection: "Bar Direction",
- negativeFillColor: "Negative Color",
- negativeBorderColor: "Negative Border",
- axis: "Axis",
- axisPosition: "Position",
- axisColor: "Color"
- },
- valueTypes: {
- number: "Number",
- lowestValue: "LowestValue",
- highestValue: "HighestValue",
- percent: "Percent",
- percentile: "Percentile",
- automin: "Automin",
- automax: "Automax",
- formula: "Formula"
- },
- directions: {
- leftToRight: "Left-to-Right",
- rightToLeft: "Right-to-Left"
- },
- axisPositions: {
- automatic: "Automatic",
- cellMidPoint: "CellMidPoint",
- none: "None"
- }
- },
- colorScales: {
- title: "Color Scales",
- labels: {
- minimum: "Minimum",
- midpoint: "Midpoint",
- maximum: "Maximum",
- type: "Type",
- value: "Value",
- color: "Color"
- },
- values: {
- twoColors: "2-Color Scale",
- threeColors: "3-Color Scale"
- },
- valueTypes: {
- number: "Number",
- lowestValue: "LowestValue",
- highestValue: "HighestValue",
- percent: "Percent",
- percentile: "Percentile",
- formula: "Formula"
- }
- },
- iconSets: {
- title: "Icon Sets",
- labels: {
- style: "Style",
- showIconOnly: "Show Icon Only",
- reverseIconOrder: "Reverse Icon Order",
- },
- types: {
- threeArrowsColored: "ThreeArrowsColored",
- threeArrowsGray: "ThreeArrowsGray",
- threeTriangles: "ThreeTriangles",
- threeStars: "ThreeStars",
- threeFlags: "ThreeFlags",
- threeTrafficLightsUnrimmed: "ThreeTrafficLightsUnrimmed",
- threeTrafficLightsRimmed: "ThreeTrafficLightsRimmed",
- threeSigns: "ThreeSigns",
- threeSymbolsCircled: "ThreeSymbolsCircled",
- threeSymbolsUncircled: "ThreeSymbolsUncircled",
- fourArrowsColored: "FourArrowsColored",
- fourArrowsGray: "FourArrowsGray",
- fourRedToBlack: "FourRedToBlack",
- fourRatings: "FourRatings",
- fourTrafficLights: "FourTrafficLights",
- fiveArrowsColored: "FiveArrowsColored",
- fiveArrowsGray: "FiveArrowsGray",
- fiveRatings: "FiveRatings",
- fiveQuarters: "FiveQuarters",
- fiveBoxes: "FiveBoxes"
- },
- valueTypes: {
- number: "Number",
- percent: "Percent",
- percentile: "Percentile",
- formula: "Formula"
- }
- },
- removeConditionalFormat: {
- title: "None"
- }
- },
- operators: {
- cellValue: {
- types: {
- equalsTo: "EqualsTo",
- notEqualsTo: "NotEqualsTo",
- greaterThan: "GreaterThan",
- greaterThanOrEqualsTo: "GreaterThanOrEqualsTo",
- lessThan: "LessThan",
- lessThanOrEqualsTo: "LessThanOrEqualsTo",
- between: "Between",
- notBetween: "NotBetween"
- }
- },
- specificText: {
- types: {
- contains: "Contains",
- doesNotContain: "DoesNotContain",
- beginsWith: "BeginsWith",
- endsWith: "EndsWith"
- }
- },
- dateOccurring: {
- types: {
- today: "Today",
- yesterday: "Yesterday",
- tomorrow: "Tomorrow",
- last7Days: "Last7Days",
- thisMonth: "ThisMonth",
- lastMonth: "LastMonth",
- nextMonth: "NextMonth",
- thisWeek: "ThisWeek",
- lastWeek: "LastWeek",
- nextWeek: "NextWeek"
- }
- },
- top10: {
- types: {
- top: "Top",
- bottom: "Bottom"
- }
- },
- average: {
- types: {
- above: "Above",
- below: "Below",
- equalOrAbove: "EqualOrAbove",
- equalOrBelow: "EqualOrBelow",
- above1StdDev: "Above1StdDev",
- below1StdDev: "Below1StdDev",
- above2StdDev: "Above2StdDev",
- below2StdDev: "Below2StdDev",
- above3StdDev: "Above3StdDev",
- below3StdDev: "Below3StdDev"
- }
- }
- },
- texts: {
- cells: "Format only cells with:",
- rankIn: "Format values that rank in the:",
- inRange: "values in the selected range.",
- values: "Format values that are:",
- average: "the average for selected range.",
- allValuesBased: "Format all cells based on their values:",
- all: "Format all:",
- and: "and",
- formatStyle: "use style",
- showIconWithRules: "Display each icon according to these rules:"
- },
- formatSetting: {
- formatUseBackColor: "BackColor",
- formatUseForeColor: "ForeColor",
- formatUseBorder: "Border"
- }
- },
- cellTypes: {
- title: "Cell Types",
- buttonCellType: {
- title: "ButtonCellType",
- values: {
- marginTop: "Margin-Top",
- marginRight: "Margin-Right",
- marginBottom: "Margin-Bottom",
- marginLeft: "Margin-Left",
- text: "Text",
- backColor: "BackColor"
- }
- },
- checkBoxCellType: {
- title: "CheckBoxCellType",
- values: {
- caption: "Caption",
- textTrue: "TextTrue",
- textIndeterminate: "TextIndeterminate",
- textFalse: "TextFalse",
- textAlign: {
- title: "TextAlign",
- values: {
- top: "Top",
- bottom: "Bottom",
- left: "Left",
- right: "Right"
- }
- },
- isThreeState: "IsThreeState"
- }
- },
- comboBoxCellType: {
- title: "ComboBoxCellType",
- values: {
- editorValueType: {
- title: "EditorValueType",
- values: {
- text: "Text",
- index: "Index",
- value: "Value"
- }
- },
- itemsText: "Items Text",
- itemsValue: "Items Value"
- }
- },
- hyperlinkCellType: {
- title: "HyperlinkCellType",
- values: {
- linkColor: "LinkColor",
- visitedLinkColor: "VisitedLinkColor",
- text: "Text",
- linkToolTip: "LinkToolTip"
- }
- },
- clearCellType: {
- title: "None"
- },
- setButton: "Set"
- },
- sparklineDialog: {
- title: "SparklineEx Setting",
- sparklineExType: {
- title: "Type",
- values: {
- line: "Line",
- column: "Column",
- winLoss: "Win/Loss",
- pie: "Pie",
- area: "Area",
- scatter: "Scatter",
- spread: "Spread",
- stacked: "Stacked",
- bullet: "Bullet",
- hbar: "Hbar",
- vbar: "Vbar",
- variance: "Variance",
- boxplot: "BoxPlot",
- cascade: "Cascade",
- pareto: "Pareto",
- month: "Month",
- year: "Year"
- }
- },
- lineSparkline: {
- dataRange: "Data Range",
- locationRange: "Location Range",
- dataRangeError: "Data range is invalid!",
- singleDataRange: "Data range should be in a single row or column.",
- locationRangeError: "Location range is invalid!"
- },
- bulletSparkline: {
- measure: "Measure",
- target: "Target",
- maxi: "Maxi",
- forecast: "Forecast",
- good: "Good",
- bad: "Bad",
- tickunit: "Tickunit",
- colorScheme: "ColorScheme",
- vertical: "Vertical"
- },
- hbarSparkline: {
- value: "Value",
- colorScheme: "ColorScheme"
- },
- varianceSparkline: {
- variance: "Variance",
- reference: "Reference",
- mini: "Mini",
- maxi: "Maxi",
- mark: "Mark",
- tickunit: "TickUnit",
- colorPositive: "ColorPositive",
- colorNegative: "ColorNegative",
- legend: "Legend",
- vertical: "Vertical"
- },
- monthSparkline: {
- year: "Year",
- month: "Month",
- emptyColor: "Empty Color",
- startColor: "Start Color",
- middleColor: "Middle Color",
- endColor: "End Color",
- colorRange: "Color Range"
- },
- yearSparkline: {
- year: "Year",
- emptyColor: "Empty Color",
- startColor: "Start Color",
- middleColor: "Middle Color",
- endColor: "End Color",
- colorRange: "Color Range"
- }
- },
- chartDialog: {
- title: "chartEx Setting",
- chartExType: {
- title: "Type",
- values: {
- columnClustered: "Clustered Column",
- columnStacked: "Stacked Column",
- columnStacked100: "100% Stacked Column",
- line: "Line",
- lineStacked: "Stacked Line",
- lineStacked100: "100% Stacked Line",
- lineMarkers: "Line With Markers",
- lineMarkersStacked: "Stacked Line With Markers",
- lineMarkersStacked100: "100% Stacked Line With Markers",
- pie: "Pie",
- doughnut: "Doughnut",
- barClustered: "Clustered Bar",
- barStacked: "Stacked Bar",
- barStacked100: "100% Stacked Bar",
- area: "Area",
- areaStacked: "Stacked Area",
- areaStacked100: "100% Stacked Area",
- xyScatter: "Scatter",
- xyScatterSmooth: "Scatter with Smooth Lines and Markers",
- xyScatterSmoothNoMarkers: "Scatter with Smooth Lines",
- xyScatterLines: "Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers",
- xyScatterLinesNoMarkers: "Scatter with Straight Lines",
- bubble: "Bubble",
- stockHLC: "High-Low-Close",
- stockOHLC: "Open-High-Low-Close",
- stockVHLC: "Volumn-High-Low-Close-Stock",
- stockVOHLC: "Volumn-Open-High-Low-Close-Stock",
- combo: "Clustered Column-Line"
- }
- }
- },
- slicerDialog: {
- insertSlicer: "Insert Slicer"
- },
- passwordDialog: {
- title: "Password",
- error: "Incorrect Password!"
- },
- tooltips: {
- style: {
- fontBold: "Mark text bold.",
- fontItalic: "Mark text italic",
- fontUnderline: "Underline text.",
- fontOverline: "Overline text.",
- fontLinethrough: "Strikethrough text."
- },
- alignment: {
- leftAlign: "Align text to the left.",
- centerAlign: "Center text.",
- rightAlign: "Align text to the right.",
- topAlign: "Align text to the top.",
- middleAlign: "Align text to the middle.",
- bottomAlign: "Align text to the bottom.",
- decreaseIndent: "Decrease the indent level.",
- increaseIndent: "Increase the indent level."
- },
- border: {
- outsideBorder: "Outside Border",
- insideBorder: "Inside Border",
- allBorder: "All Border",
- leftBorder: "Left Border",
- innerVertical: "Inner Vertical",
- rightBorder: "Right Border",
- topBorder: "Top Border",
- innerHorizontal: "Inner Horizontal",
- bottomBorder: "Bottom Border"
- },
- format: {
- percentStyle: "Percent Style",
- commaStyle: "Comma Style",
- increaseDecimal: "Increase Decimal",
- decreaseDecimal: "Decrease Decimal"
- }
- },
- defaultTexts: {
- buttonText: "Button",
- checkCaption: "Check",
- comboText: "United States,China,Japan",
- comboValue: "US,CN,JP",
- hyperlinkText: "LinkText",
- hyperlinkToolTip: "Hyperlink Tooltip"
- },
- messages: {
- invalidImportFile: "Invalid file, import failed.",
- duplicatedSheetName: "Duplicated sheet name.",
- duplicatedTableName: "Duplicated table name.",
- rowColumnRangeRequired: "Please select a range of row or column.",
- imageFileRequired: "The file must be image!",
- duplicatedSlicerName: "Duplicated slicer name.",
- invalidSlicerName: "Slicer name is not valid."
- },
- dialog: {
- ok: "OK",
- cancel: "Cancel"
- },
- chartDataLabels:{
- center:'Center',
- insideEnd:'Inside End',
- outsideEnd:'Outside End',
- bestFit:'Best Fit',
- above:'Above',
- below:'Below',
- }
- };