本帖最后由 Marco 于 2016-10-18 15:16 编辑
在今天这篇文章中,主要想和大家分享一下图像的边缘检测。边缘检测常见的算子有Sobel, Prewitt, Laplacian等。在这里,demo主要使用的是Sobel算子,以及LeadTool提供的几种算子的Command(Sobel,Prewitt,Laplacian)。
具体步骤如下: 1. 建立windows窗体应用程序,命名为Edge Detect 2. 双击Form1,在Form1_Load()事件中添加如下代码: - string MY_LICENSE_FILE = @"C:\LEADTOOLS 19\eval-license-files.lic";
- string MY_DicomDEVELOPER_KEY = "isxJXppTiJaYbQDDRtEzk4CRX8BJLmQI49383qJpsDProMTYamPF1yiYkXquCmFEPpyVcuuaayTRpLJGp+Gdl0sjSKF9n0ru";
- RasterSupport.SetLicense(MY_LICENSE_FILE, MY_DicomDEVELOPER_KEY);
- // Initialize a new RasterCodecs object
- codecs = new RasterCodecs();
复制代码3. 打开窗体设计页面,拖入一个Image Viewer 控件,命名为the Viewer1
4. 添加与前一教程相同的引用,同时添加如下引用。并在using代码之后添加如下代码。 - Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.dll
复制代码- using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects;
复制代码5. 打开窗体设计模式,拖入菜单控件,添加”File”,”Function”选项,并在”Function” 选项下添加如下选项:”Sobel(Lead Tools)” , ”Sobel”,”Prewitt”,”Laplacian”
6. 在Form1类中定义如下变量 - private RasterCodecs codecs;
- RasterImage Image;
- bool result;
- bool back;
- int count = 0;
- RasterImage sobeloutput;
复制代码7. 在Form1类中添加如下方法
- //判断是否用户已选择目标图片
- private bool checking()
- {
- if (theViewer1.Image == null)
- {
- MessageBox.Show("Please load the Image");
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- //判断是否需要重新选择图片
- private bool checkingcount()
- {
- if (count >=1)
- {
- MessageBox.Show("Please load the Image agian");
- theViewer1.Image = null;
- count = 0;
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
复制代码8. 在Form1类中添加如下方法 - private void sobelalgorithm(RasterImage inputimage)
- {
- //创建一个与image 大小,位深相同的图像在内存中用于存储处理之后的图像
- sobeloutput = new RasterImage(
- RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional,
- inputimage.Width,
- inputimage.Height,
- inputimage.BitsPerPixel,
- inputimage.Order,
- inputimage.ViewPerspective,
- inputimage.GetPalette(),
- IntPtr.Zero,
- 0);
- byte[]newpixel=new byte[3];
- //sobel 模板
- byte[] a00, a01, a02;
- byte[] a10, a11, a12;
- byte[] a20, a21, a22;
- for (int i = 1; i < inputimage.Height-1; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 1; j < inputimage.Width-1; j++)
- {
- a00 =inputimage.GetPixelData(i - 1, j - 1);
- a01 = inputimage.GetPixelData(i - 1, j );
- a02 = inputimage.GetPixelData(i - 1, j+1);
- a10 = inputimage.GetPixelData(i , j - 1);
- a11 = inputimage.GetPixelData(i, j); //模板卷积图像
- a12 = inputimage.GetPixelData(i, j +1);
- a20 = inputimage.GetPixelData(i +1, j - 1);
- a21 = inputimage.GetPixelData(i + 1, j );
- a22 = inputimage.GetPixelData(i + 1, j+1);
- double[] ux=new double[3];
- double[] uy=new double[3];
- for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++)
- {
- // x方向上的近似导数
- ux[index] = a20[0] * (1) + a21[0] * (2) + a22[0] * (1)
- + (a00[0] * (-1) + a01[0] * (-2) + a02[0] * (-1));
- //// y方向上的近似导数
- uy[index] = a02[0] * (1) + a12[0] * (2) + a22[0] * (1)
- + a00[0] * (-1) + a10[0] * (-2) + a20[0] * (-1);
- //x,y方向上梯度合并
- newpixel[index] = (byte)(Math.Sqrt(ux[index] * ux[index] + uy[index] * uy[index]));
- }
- //
- sobeloutput.SetPixelData(i, j, newpixel);
- }
- }
- }
复制代码9.切换回窗体设计页面,双击”File”,在代码页面中会出现click事件,在事件中添加如下代码 - private void fileToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- theViewer1.Image = null;
- // 显示打开文件对话框
- OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();
- dlg.Filter = "All Files|*.*";
- if (dlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
- {
- try
- {
- // 载入图像
- Image = codecs.Load(dlg.FileName);
- theViewer1.ItemSize=Image.ImageSize;
- theViewer1.Image = Image; //theViewer1控件显示原始图像
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message);
- }
- }
- }
10. 切换回窗体设计页面分别双击四个子选项,在代码页面会出现四个click事件,分别在事件中添加如下代码: Sobel (LeadTools): - private void sobelLeadToollsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- result = checking();
- if (result == false)
- {
- return;
- }
- back = checkingcount();
- if (back == true)
- {
- return;
- }
- count++;
- EdgeDetectorCommand command = new EdgeDetectorCommand();
- command.Threshold = 20; //选择阈值
- command.Filter = EdgeDetectorCommandType.SobelBoth;//确定边缘检测的算子
- command.Run(Image);
- theViewer1.Image = Image;
- }
复制代码Sobel Algorithm: - private void sobleToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- result = checking();
- if (result == false)
- {
- return;
- }
- back = checkingcount();
- if (back == true)
- {
- return;
- }
- count++;
- sobelalgorithm(Image);
- theViewer1.Image = sobeloutput;
- }
Prewitt: - //Prewitt(Lead Tools)
- private void prewittToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- result = checking();
- if (result == false)
- {
- return;
- }
- back = checkingcount();
- if (back == true)
- {
- return;
- }
- count++;
- // Prepare the command
- EdgeDetectorCommand command = new EdgeDetectorCommand();
- command.Threshold = 20;
- command.Filter = EdgeDetectorCommandType.PrewittBoth; //确定边缘检测的算子
- command.Run(Image);
- theViewer1.Image = Image;
- }
复制代码Laplacian: - private void laplacianToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- result = checking();
- if (result == false)
- {
- return;
- }
- back = checkingcount();
- if (back == true)
- {
- return;
- }
- count++;
- // Prepare the command
- EdgeDetectorCommand command = new EdgeDetectorCommand();
- command.Threshold =15;
- command.Filter = EdgeDetectorCommandType.LaplaceVertical; //确定边缘检测的算子
- command.Run(Image);
- theViewer1.Image = Image;
- }
复制代码11.生成解决方案并运行程序: 结果如下: 原图:
Sobel Algorithm:
同时附上官方文档中关于边缘检测的Command的链接以及demo的程序: 具体可在Image Processing ——Detecting and Enhanceing Edge and Lines 中查询具体信息。 |