Chrome 都已经这样了,IE更卡。
代码如下,写的很乱,有一些样式没加载进来,看不下去的话,可以自己重新写一个,就一个嵌套表有onclick、 itemFormatter 、formatItem.addHandler、tooltip(在itemFormatter里,用mouseover mouseout事件)
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <title></title>
- <style>
- /*
- // © 2016 Dell Inc.
- */
- .wj-flexgrid {
- font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- }
- .wj-content {
- border: none;
- border-radius: 0;
- }
- .wj-flexgrid div.grid-actionCell {
- cursor: pointer;
- padding: 0.5rem;
- text-align: center;
- }
- /* selected */
- .wj-flexgrid div.wj-state-multi-selected {
- color:#000000;
- background-color:#b6bdca;
- }
- .wj-flexgrid div.wj-state-selected {
- color:#000000;
- background-color:#b6bdca;
- }
- /* highlight rows on hover */
- .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell {
- border: none;
- font-size: 11px;
- padding: 0.5rem;
- background-color: #ffffff;
- }
- .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell:not(.wj-header):not(.wj-group):not(.wj-alt):not(.wj-state-selected):not(.wj-state-multi-selected) {
- background-color: #f2f2f2;
- }
- .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.wj-header {
- color: #515967;
- font-size: 12px;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.wj-header:hover {
- color: #0078b6;
- }
- .wj-flexgrid .wj-cell.wj-highlight-row {
- background-color: #80adbf !important;
- color: #ffffff;
- }
- .wj-detail {
- padding: 0px !important; /* remove the cell padding */
- }
- .wj-detail>.wj-flexgrid {
- padding: 0.5rem 0rem 1rem 3rem;
- }
- /* Tooltip */
- .wj-tooltip {
- word-wrap:break-word;
- }
- /*customization page*/
- .wj-cell .grid-actionDrag {
- background: url('../img/dragdots.png') no-repeat center;
- }
- .wj-cell .text-tertiary{
- opacity: 0.6;
- cursor:text
- }
- .wj-cell .grid-actionCell_disabled{
- cursor:auto;
- opacity: .6;
- }
- </style>
- <!--jQuery References-->
- <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <!-- Wijmo references (required) -->
- <script src="http://cdn.wijmo.com/5.20152.84/controls/wijmo.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <link href="http://cdn.wijmo.com/5.20152.84/styles/wijmo.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
- <!-- Wijmo controls (optional, include the controls you need) -->
- <script src="http://cdn.wijmo.com/5.20152.84/controls/wijmo.grid.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script src="scripts/wijmo.grid.detail.min.js"></script>
- <script src="scripts/wijmo.odata.min.js"></script>
- <script src="http://underscorejs.org/underscore.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var countryData, statesData,grid;
- $(document).ready(function () {
- var countries = 'US,Germany,UK,Japan,Italy,Greece'.split(',');
- var cdata = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
- cdata.push({
- cid: i,
- country: countries[i % countries.length],
- date: new Date(2014, i % 12, i % 28),
- amount: Math.random() * 10000,
- active: i % 4 === 0
- });
- }
- var sdata = getRows();
- var nestedData = [];
- for(var i=0;i<sdata.length;i++){
- if(sdata[i].qoeData)
- nestedData.push(sdata[i].qoeData);
- }
- function getRows() {
- var result = [], users = [
- 'Jean-Pierre Beale',
- 'Beaufort Paolo',
- 'Clayborne Royce',
- 'Coleman Yacov',
- 'Iskar Jarak',
- 'Locke Lamora',
- 'Tavi Rillwater',
- 'Jack Torrance',
- 'Harry Dresden',
- 'Jeff Burns',
- 'Lee Young',
- 'Sam Harding',
- 'Kate Nielsen',
- 'Louis McConnery',
- 'John Loeb'
- ], clients = [
- 'iPad OS 5.0.1',
- 'Skype for Business',
- 'iPhone OS 4.3.2',
- 'iPhone OS 5.0.1',
- 'Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2',
- 'Microsoft Lync Communicator for Mac 2011',
- 'Microsoft Lync 2013'
- ], callQualities = [
- 'Poor',
- 'Good'
- ],
- staticDate = new Date('2014-09-26'), startDate, organizer, numberOfRows = 200, participants, participantClients, index, participantIndex, numberOfParticipants, row;
- for (index = 0; index < numberOfRows; index++) {
- startDate = new Date(staticDate.getTime() + (_.random(1000) * 60000));
- organizer = users[_.random(users.length - 1)];
- numberOfParticipants = _.random(5) + 200;
- participants = [organizer];
- participantClients = [clients[_.random(clients.length - 1)]];
- for (participantIndex = 0; participantIndex < numberOfParticipants; participantIndex++) {
- participants.push(users[_.random(users.length - 1)]);
- participantClients.push(clients[_.random(clients.length - 1)]);
- }
- row = {
- startDate: startDate,
- duration: _.random(100) + 10,
- organizer: organizer,
- participants: participants.join('; '),
- callQuality: callQualities[_.random(callQualities.length - 1)],
- participantsClientVersion: participantClients.join('; '),
- qoeData: []
- };
- addQoeData(row, participants);
- result.push(row);
- }
- return result;
- };
- function addQoeData(row, participants) {
- var _this = this;
- var callQualities = [
- 'Poor',
- 'Good'
- ];
- _.each(participants, function (participant) {
- row.qoeData.push({
- sessionDisplayName: participant,
- startDate: row.startDate,
- callQuality: callQualities[_.random(callQualities.length - 1)],
- mediaType: 'Video',
- direction: 'Incoming',
- latency: getNumber(),
- mosDegredation: getNumber(),
- listenMos: getNumber(),
- packetsLost: getNumber(),
- jitter: getNumber()
- });
- row.qoeData.push({
- sessionDisplayName: participant,
- startDate: row.startDate,
- callQuality: callQualities[_.random(callQualities.length - 1)],
- mediaType: 'Video',
- direction: 'Outgoing',
- latency: getNumber(),
- mosDegredation: getNumber(),
- listenMos: getNumber(),
- packetsLost: getNumber(),
- jitter: getNumber()
- });
- row.qoeData.push({
- sessionDisplayName: participant,
- startDate: row.startDate,
- callQuality: callQualities[_.random(callQualities.length - 1)],
- mediaType: 'Application Sharing',
- direction: 'Incoming',
- latency: getNumber(),
- mosDegredation: getNumber(),
- listenMos: getNumber(),
- packetsLost: getNumber(),
- jitter: getNumber()
- });
- row.qoeData.push({
- sessionDisplayName: participant,
- startDate: row.startDate,
- callQuality: callQualities[_.random(callQualities.length - 1)],
- mediaType: 'Application Sharing',
- direction: 'Outgoing',
- latency: getNumber(),
- mosDegredation: getNumber(),
- listenMos: getNumber(),
- packetsLost: getNumber(),
- jitter: getNumber()
- });
- row.qoeData.push({
- sessionDisplayName: participant,
- startDate: row.startDate,
- callQuality: callQualities[_.random(callQualities.length - 1)],
- mediaType: 'Audio',
- direction: 'Incoming',
- latency: getNumber(),
- mosDegredation: getNumber(),
- listenMos: getNumber(),
- packetsLost: getNumber(),
- jitter: getNumber()
- });
- row.qoeData.push({
- sessionDisplayName: participant,
- startDate: row.startDate,
- callQuality: callQualities[_.random(callQualities.length - 1)],
- mediaType: 'Audio',
- direction: 'Outgoing',
- latency: getNumber(),
- mosDegredation: getNumber(),
- listenMos: getNumber(),
- packetsLost: getNumber(),
- jitter: getNumber()
- });
- });
- };
- function getNumber() {
- if (_.random(10) < 4) {
- return '<none>';
- }
- else {
- return ((_.random(3000) + 100) / 10).toFixed(1);
- }
- };
- // get categories and products from server
- countryData = new wijmo.collections.CollectionView(sdata);
- statesData = new wijmo.collections.CollectionView(nestedData);
- // initialize detail visibility mode
- //var detailMode = wijmo.grid.detail.DetailVisibilityMode.ExpandSingle;
- grid = new wijmo.grid.FlexGrid('#gsFlexGrid');
- grid.itemsSource = countryData;
- var dp = new wijmo.grid.detail.FlexGridDetailProvider(grid);
- dp.detailVisibilityMode = wijmo.grid.detail.DetailVisibilityMode.ExpandMulti;
- dp.createDetailCell = function (row) {
- var cell = document.createElement('div');
- grid.hostElement.appendChild(cell);
- var detailGrid = new wijmo.grid.FlexGrid(cell, {
- headersVisibility: wijmo.grid.HeadersVisibility.Column,
- autoGenerateColumns: false,
- selectionMode: wijmo.grid.SelectionMode.ListBox,
- itemsSource:row.dataItem.qoeData,
- columns: [
- { header: 'sessionDisplayName', binding: 'sessionDisplayName' },
- { header: 'startDate', binding: 'startDate' },
- { header: 'callQuality', binding: 'callQuality' },
- { header: 'mediaType', binding: 'mediaType' },
- { header: 'direction', binding: 'direction' },
- { header: 'latency', binding: 'latency' },
- { header: 'mosDegredation', binding: 'mosDegredation' },
- { header: 'listenMos', binding: 'listenMos' },
- { header: 'packetsLost', binding: 'packetsLost' },
- { header: 'jitter', binding: 'jitter' }
- ]
- });
- return cell;
- };
- this.onclick = onCellClicked;
- grid.itemFormatter = function (panel, r, c, cell) {
- if (panel.cellType === wijmo.grid.CellType.ColumnHeader) {
- removeMultiSortArrow(panel, c, cell);
- }
- };
- dp.itemFormatter = function (panel, r, c, cell) {
- if (panel.cellType === wijmo.grid.CellType.ColumnHeader) {
- removeMultiSortArrow(panel, c, cell);
- }
- };
- function removeMultiSortArrow(panel, c, cell) {
- var col = panel.columns[c], cv = panel.grid.collectionView;
- if (cv && cv.sortDescriptions.length > 0) {
- if (cv.sortDescriptions[0].property !== col.binding) {
- cell.innerHTML = col.header;
- }
- }
- };
- grid.formatItem.addHandler(function(grid,event){
- this.addTooltips(grid,event);
- if (event.panel.cellType === wijmo.grid.CellType.RowHeader) {
- this.addDetailRowButton(event);
- }
- else if (event.panel.cellType === wijmo.grid.CellType.Cell) {
- this.addRowHighlightOnHover(grid, event);
- this.addTextFormatters(grid, grid.columns, event);
- this.addButtons(grid, grid.columns, event);
- }
- });
- });
- function addTooltips(grid,event){
- var tooltip = new wijmo.Tooltip();
- $(event.cell).mouseover(function (eventObj) {
- if (event.cell.className.indexOf('wj-cell') > -1
- && event.cell.className.indexOf('wj-detail') < 0
- && event.cell.className.indexOf('table-detailRow') < 0
- && event.cell.innerHTML.indexOf('title=') < 0
- && event.cell.innerHTML.replace(' ', '').length > 0) {
- tooltip.show(event.cell, event.cell.innerHTML);
- }
- }).mouseout(function (eventObj) {
- tooltip.hide();
- });
- }
- function addButtons (grid, columns, event) {
- var wijmoColumn, column, cell = event.cell;
- wijmoColumn = grid.columns[event.col];
- column = this.findButtonColumn(columns, wijmoColumn);
- if (column && column.columnType === 2) {
- $('<span>').
- addClass(grid.rows[event.row].dataItem.dataItem.removableClass).
- addClass(column.iconClass).
- addClass('tableIcon').
- attr('title', grid.rows[event.row].dataItem.dataItem.removeTitle || column.title).
- appendTo($(cell));
- }
- };
- function addTextFormatters (grid, columns, event) {
- var wijmoColumn, column, row, value;
- wijmoColumn = grid.columns[event.col];
- column = this.findColumn(columns, wijmoColumn);
- if (column && column.columnType === ColumnType.plainText) {
- // TODO: we want to bind to the Row (to keep ids and such), but
- // this looks fishy to me
- row = grid.rows[event.row].dataItem;
- if (row && row.dataItem && column.textFormatter) {
- value = row.dataItem[column.fieldName];
- event.cell.innerHTML = column.textFormatter(value);
- }
- }
- };
- function addRowHighlightOnHover (grid, event) {
- var rowClassName = 'highLight_row' + grid['id'] + event.row, highlightClassName = 'wj-highlight-row', cell = event.cell, rowCell;
- // NOTE: There's nothing linking wijmo rows together in the actual html :(
- // Don't touch the details table parent row
- $(cell).addClass(rowClassName);
- $(cell).on('mouseover', null, function () {
- rowCell = $('.' + rowClassName);
- // The wijmo details grid container looks exactly like a row, except for the
- // additional detail class. We don't want to highlight the entire grid on hover
- if (!$(rowCell).hasClass('wj-detail')) {
- $(rowCell).addClass(highlightClassName);
- }
- });
- $(cell).on('mouseout', null, function () {
- $('.' + rowClassName).removeClass(highlightClassName);
- });
- };
- function findColumn (columns, column) {
- var binding = column.binding.replace('dataItem.', '');
- // TODO: this is because of the crappy binding
- for(var i=0;i<columns.length;i++){
- if(columns[i].fieldName === binding)
- return columns[i];
- }
- //return columns.findWhere({ fieldName: binding });
- };
- function findButtonColumn (columns, column) {
- //return columns.findWhere({ name: column.binding });
- for(var i=0;i<columns.length;i++){
- if(columns[i].name === column.binding)
- return columns[i];
- }
- };
- function addDetailRowButton (event) {
- var iconClass, isExpanded;
- if (this.detail && this.detail.isDetailAvailable(event.row)) {
- isExpanded = this.detail.isDetailVisible(event.row);
- iconClass = isExpanded ? 'wj-glyph-down-right' : 'wj-glyph-right';
- $(event.cell)
- .addClass('table-detailRow')
- .attr('data-rowIndex', event.row);
- $('<span class="' + iconClass + '"></span>').appendTo(event.cell);
- }
- };
- var _this = this;
- function onCellClicked (event) {
- var isNestedRow, $obj = $(event.currentTarget), hitInfo;
- isNestedRow = $obj.hasClass('wj-detail') || $obj.parents('.wj-detail').length > 0;
- if (isNestedRow) {
- }
- else {
- hitInfo = grid.hitTest(event);
- switch (hitInfo.cellType) {
- case wijmo.grid.CellType.ColumnHeader:
- onHeaderCellClicked(event, hitInfo);
- break;
- case wijmo.grid.CellType.Cell:
- //_this.onRowCellClicked(event, hitInfo);
- break;
- case wijmo.grid.CellType.RowHeader:
- onDetailRowHeaderClicked(event);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- event.stopPropagation();
- };
- function onDetailRowHeaderClicked (event) {
- var rowIndex, $icon;
- rowIndex = parseInt($(event.currentTarget).attr('data-rowIndex'), 10);
- if (!isNaN(rowIndex)) {
- $icon = $(event.currentTarget).children().first();
- if (this.detail.isDetailVisible(rowIndex)) {
- $icon.removeClass('wj-glyph-down-right');
- $icon.addClass('wj-glyph-right');
- this.detail.hideDetail(rowIndex);
- }
- else {
- $icon.removeClass('wj-glyph-right');
- $icon.addClass('wj-glyph-down-right');
- this.detail.showDetail(rowIndex);
- }
- }
- };
- function onDetailRowHeaderClicked (event) {
- var rowIndex, $icon;
- rowIndex = parseInt($(event.currentTarget).attr('data-rowIndex'), 10);
- if (!isNaN(rowIndex)) {
- $icon = $(event.currentTarget).children().first();
- if (this.detail.isDetailVisible(rowIndex)) {
- $icon.removeClass('wj-glyph-down-right');
- $icon.addClass('wj-glyph-right');
- this.detail.hideDetail(rowIndex);
- }
- else {
- $icon.removeClass('wj-glyph-right');
- $icon.addClass('wj-glyph-down-right');
- this.detail.showDetail(rowIndex);
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="gsFlexGrid" style="width:100%;overflow:scroll"></div>
- </body>
- </html>