第二步. Edit the Viewer.bat file:
1. Right-click the Viewer.bat file and select Edit.
2. Change the culture in the line set Culture="en-Us" to the culture you want to use. For your
convenience, here is a list of predefined .NET Cultures.
3. Ensure that the ProgamFilesDDPath is correct.
4. Save and close the Viewer.bat file.
第三步. Change strings in the resource files:
1. Double-click the Viewer.zip file to open it.
2. Extract all of the files to C:\Program Files\GrapeCity\ActiveReports 6\Localization. A Viewer
subfolder is created.
3. In the new Viewer folder's Res subfolder, open each of the three *.resx files and change the strings
as needed.
4. If you want to change any of the images, rename your localized images to the names of the ones in
the Res\Resources subfolder and replace them with your localized images.
第三步是修改.resx文件中你需要修改的字符串,比如FindDialog.resx文件中的- <data name="m_cbMatchCase.Text">
- <value>Match case</value>
- </data>
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