本帖最后由 thinker12 于 2020-4-17 15:38 编辑
The cell style is a composite of settings that are applied based on a priority. The style in the cell has the highest priority. The style of the row the cell is in is next, then the column the cell is in, and then the default style of the sheet.
通过setDefaultStyle({vAlign: 1})可以实现垂直居中,但是如果给某个单元格设置sheet.getRange(0, 0).backColor( null ),单元格依然是垂直居中状态,但导出后vAlign不会垂直居中。这算不算spreadjs和excel表现不一致的地方
我用的mondo excel2016,wps2019也是一样的效果
我目前的解决办法是导出时用代码将样式依次往前面覆盖 表单默认样 -》列 -》 行 -》 单元格样式