客户只需要简单的二维表展示,二维表中的所有列都是根据输入SQL 语句后,执行的查询结果,来展示所选择的数据列。
因为又牵扯到MVC+Angular+.Net Core平台展示,所以在这个需求内,需要使用报表的API来动态生成报表,其实报表结构不复杂,主要修改Startup.cs 类中。
1. 在 Startup.cs
- public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
- {
- app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();
- app.UseStaticFiles();
- app.UseSpaStaticFiles();
- // Configure reporting to get reports from folder.
- // You can also use the reports embedded into the assembly (UseEmbeddedTemplates method)
- // or your own reports store (UseCustomStore method).
- app.UseReporting(settings =>
- {
- //settings.UseEmbeddedTemplates(EmbeddedReportsPrefix, Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType()));
- settings.UseCustomStore(GetReport);
- settings.UseCompression = true;
- });
- app.UseMvc(routes =>
- {
- routes.MapRoute(
- name: "default",
- template: "{controller}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
- });
- app.UseSpa(spa =>
- {
- spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp";
- if (env.IsDevelopment())
- {
- spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: "start");
- }
- });
- }
2. 在GetReport 方法里面调用报表API 生成报表
- private object GetReport(string arg)
- {
- int columnNumber=3;// 用于获取前台传递SQL 语句的列数,根据数量去生成表格的列数量
- int tableTextbox = columnNumber * 2;
- GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.Report report = new GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.Report();
- // 从 SQL 语句中获取到列名,及为表格控件绑定数据字段,前三个为列标题,后三个为数据字段引用
- String[] columnNameFromSQL = new String[6] { "MoviedID", "Title", "YearReleased", "=Fields!MoviedID.Value", "=Fields!Title.Value", "=Fields!YearReleased.Value" };
- report.Body.Height = "5cm";
- report.Width = "20cm";
- // 根据列名及字段名创建表格控件,用于展示报表
- Table tb = CreateTable(columnNumber,columnNameFromSQL);
- report.Body.ReportItems.Add(tb);
- report = AddDataSetDataSource(report);
- return report;
- }
3. 添加数据源和数据集
- private Table CreateTable(int NumOfColumn,String[] NameOfField)
- {
- Table table = new Table();
- table.Name = "Table1";
- TextBox[] tableTextBoxes = new TextBox[NumOfColumn*2];
- TableCell[] tableCells = new TableCell[NumOfColumn*2];
- TableRow[] tableRows = new TableRow[2];
- TableColumn[] tableColumns = new TableColumn[NumOfColumn];
- String[] textBoxValues = new String[] { };
- textBoxValues = NameOfField;
- //定义表格的列宽
- String[] columnsWidth = new String[] { "3cm", "3cm", "3cm" };
- String[] rowsHeight = new String[] { "1.5cm", "1.5cm" };
- //Setting properties for the Textboxes to be placed in the TableCells
- for (int i = 0; i < tableTextBoxes.Length; i++)
- {
- tableTextBoxes.SetValue(new TextBox(), i);
- tableTextBoxes[i].Name = "textBox" + (i + 1);
- tableTextBoxes[i].Value = ExpressionInfo.FromString(textBoxValues[i]);
- tableTextBoxes[i].Style.PaddingBottom = tableTextBoxes[i].Style.PaddingLeft = tableTextBoxes[i].Style.PaddingRight = tableTextBoxes[i].Style.PaddingTop = ExpressionInfo.FromString("2pt");
- tableTextBoxes[i].Style.TextAlign = ExpressionInfo.FromString("Left");
- tableCells.SetValue(new TableCell(), i);
- tableCells[i].ReportItems.Add(tableTextBoxes[i]);//Adding the TextBoxes to the TableCells
- if (i < rowsHeight.Length)
- {
- tableRows.SetValue(new TableRow(), i);
- tableRows[i].Height = "1.25cm";
- table.Height += "1.25cm";
- }
- if (i < columnsWidth.Length)
- {
- tableColumns.SetValue(new TableColumn(), i);
- tableColumns[i].Width = columnsWidth[i];
- table.Width += columnsWidth[i];
- table.TableColumns.Add(tableColumns[i]);
- tableCells[i].ReportItems[0].Style.BackgroundColor = ExpressionInfo.FromString("LightBlue");
- tableRows[0].TableCells.Add(tableCells[i]);
- }
- else
- {
- tableCells[i].ReportItems[0].Style.BackgroundColor = ExpressionInfo.FromString("=Choose((RowNumber("Table1") +1) mod 2, "PaleGreen",)");
- tableRows[1].TableCells.Add(tableCells[i]);
- }
- }
- table.Header.TableRows.Add(tableRows[0]);
- table.Details.TableRows.Add(tableRows[1]);
- table.Top = "1cm";
- table.Left = "0.635cm";
- return table;
- }
4. 添加 AddDataSetDataSource 方法为报表绑定数据源
- public static Report AddDataSetDataSource(Report report)
- {
- // 以 DataSet数据集为示例,通过输入SQL 语句获取到查询结果后后传递给报表即可
- // create DataSource for the report
- DataSource dataSource = new DataSource();
- dataSource.Name = "Reels Database";
- dataSource.ConnectionProperties.DataProvider = "OLEDB";
- dataSource.ConnectionProperties.ConnectString = ExpressionInfo.FromString(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=Data\Reels.mdb");
- //Create DataSet with specified query and load database fields to the DataSet
- DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
- Query query = new Query();
- dataSet.Name = "Sample DataSet";
- query.DataSourceName = "Reels Database";
- query.CommandType = QueryCommandType.Text;
- query.CommandText = ExpressionInfo.FromString(@"SELECT Movie.MovieID, Movie.Title, Movie.YearReleased FROM Movie ORDER BY Movie.YearReleased");
- dataSet.Query = query;
- String[] fieldsList = new String[] { "MoviedID", "Title", "YearReleased" };
- foreach (string fieldName in fieldsList)
- {
- Field field = new Field(fieldName, fieldName, null);
- dataSet.Fields.Add(field);
- }
- //create report definition with specified DataSet and DataSource
- report.DataSources.Add(dataSource);
- report.DataSets.Add(dataSet);
- return report;
- }