在Class Library Reference --> TXTextControl namespace --> ButtonBar Class 中。
BorderStyleGets or sets the border style of the button bar.
ButtonOffsetsGets or sets an array of additional offsets, in pixels, between the buttons.
ButtonPositionsGets or sets an array of buttons the button bar consists of.
ButtonSeparatorsGets or sets an array of boolean values specifying whether or not a separator is drawn between two buttons.
ButtonStyleGets or sets the painting style of the buttons.
DisplayColorsGets or sets the colors of the button bar.
ResetButtonOffsetsResets the offset array to its default state.
ResetButtonPositionsResets the button array to its default state.
ResetButtonSeparatorsResets the separator array to its default state.
ResetDisplayColorsResets all display colors of a button bar to their system dependent default values.