1. 打开 View-Design-Index.cshtml 页面,在代码后面调用以下接口,默认新建时创建模板报表:
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.WebDesigner.renderApplication(designerId, designerOptions);
// 在Create时候为报表打开模板文件,方便为新建报表绑定数据源
templateInfo: {
id: "OrganizationBrandedReport.rdlx",
});2. 修改 Services中的ITemplatesService.cs
public interface ITemplatesService
TemplateInfo[] GetTemplatesList();
byte[] GetTemplate(string id,string ds);
TemplateThumbnail GetTemplateThumbnail(string id);
}3. 修改 Implementation 中的FileSystemTemplate.cs
public byte[] GetTemplate(string id,string ds)
var fullPath = Path.Combine(_rootFolder.FullName, id);
if (!File.Exists(fullPath)) throw new FileNotFoundException();
var templateXml = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath);
var template = ReportConverter.FromXML(templateXml);
// 为Template绑定数据源
var thumbnail = template.EmbeddedImages.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == templateThumbnailName);
if (thumbnail != null) template.EmbeddedImages.Remove(thumbnail);
var templateJson = ReportConverter.ToJson(template);
return templateJson;
// 为报表创建数据源,并指定Json 字串
public static Report AddDataSetDataSource(Report report, string ds)
// create DataSource for the report
DataSource dataSource = new DataSource();
dataSource.Name = "TESTData";
dataSource.ConnectionProperties.DataProvider = "JSON";
string datasource1 = "jsondoc="+ds;
dataSource.ConnectionProperties.ConnectString = datasource1;
//Create DataSet with specified query and load database fields to the DataSet
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
Query query = new Query();
dataSet.Name = "Sample DataSet";
query.DataSourceName = "TESTData";
query.CommandText = ExpressionInfo.FromString("$.[*]");
dataSet.Query = query;
String[] fieldsList = new String[] { "postId", "id", "name","body" };
foreach (string fieldName in fieldsList)
Field field = new Field(fieldName, fieldName, null);
//create report definition with specified DataSet and DataSource
return report;
}4. 修改 Contollers里面的 DesignController.csCreate方法
public ActionResult Create( string datasource1, string theme = "blue")
TempData["datasource"] = datasource1;// 保存Query中的DataSource String
ViewBag.Theme = theme;
return View("Index");
5. 修改 Contollers里面的 TemplatesController.csGetTemplate方法
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) return BadRequest();
//获取前台传递的 datasource String
var datasource01 = TempData["datasource"] as string;
var template = templatesService.GetTemplate(id, datasource01);// 将DataSource String 传递给模板,对应的要修改 ItempaletService 的GetTemplate方法增加参数2
return File(template, "application/json");