zqhuang 发表于 2020-7-7 09:40:27

A14 自定义工具栏按钮问题

本帖最后由 zqhuang 于 2020-7-22 10:20 编辑

A14 根据api文档加入自定义工具栏按钮报错是什么原因?


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      var viewer = GrapeCity.ActiveReports.JSViewer.create({
            element: '#viewer-id',
            reportService: {
                url: '/api/reporting',
            //reportID: 'test.rdlx;test;{"PrintMan":"PrintMan","Id":2}',
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            documentLoaded: function () {
      viewer.openReport('test.rdlx;test;{"PrintMan":"PrintMan","Id":2}', [{ name: 'BelongId', values: }])

      if ('0' == '0') {

      if ('1' == '0') {
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            onUpdate: function (arg, item) {




KearneyKang 发表于 2020-7-7 09:40:28

本帖最后由 KearneyKang 于 2020-7-9 16:11 编辑

viewer.toolbar.desktop.addItem(svgPdfExportButton);<script type="text/javascript">
    var viewer = GrapeCity.ActiveReports.JSViewer.create({
      element: '#viewerContainer',
      reportID: 'RDL报表.rdlx;123;456', //报表名称和参数的传递
      //availableExports: ['Xml', 'Pdf'],

      reportService: {},
      renderMode: 'Galley',
      // other properties
      documentLoaded: () => {      
            //   //viewer.print();
            //   //$("#main_toolbar_Item_17").hide();
            //   //$("#main_toolbar_Item_18").hide();
            //   //$("#main_toolbar_Item_19").hide();
            //viewer.export('XLSX', null, true, { FileName: '1997 Annual Report1', Multisheet: false,LayoutMode:"Galley" })

var pdfExportButton = {
    key: '$pdfExportButtonKey',
    iconCssClass: 'mdi mdi-file-pdf',
    enabled: true,
    action: function(item) {
      console.log('Export to PDF function works here');
    onUpdate: function(arg, item) {
      console.log('Something in viewer was updated, check/update button state here');

//OR button with svg as icon
var icon = `
var svgPdfExportButton = {
    key: '$pdfExportButtonKey',
    icon: {type: 'svg', content: icon},
    enabled: true,
    action: function(item) {
      console.log('Export to PDF function works here');
    onUpdate: function(arg, item) {
      console.log('Something in viewer was updated, check/update button state here');


KearneyKang 发表于 2020-7-7 14:21:35


zqhuang 发表于 2020-7-9 09:03:15

KearneyKang 发表于 2020-7-7 14:21
您好,你现在遇到的问题是给报表工具栏添加自定义的按钮报错是吧,问题已经收到,我这边需要去测试验证下。 ...


zqhuang 发表于 2020-7-10 08:51:24

KearneyKang 发表于 2020-7-9 09:11

iconCssClass: 'mdi mdi-file-pdf',

KearneyKang 发表于 2020-7-10 09:14:52

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