flexgrid 怎么通过代码触发字段排序和取消字段排序
本帖最后由 QYJ39 于 2020-1-8 13:08 编辑flexgrid 怎么通过代码触发字段排序和取消字段排序
本帖最后由 AlexZ 于 2020-1-7 22:16 编辑
// expose data as a CollectionView to get events
$scope.data = new wijmo.collections.CollectionView(data);
$scope.data.sortDescriptions.push(new wijmo.collections.SortDescription('sales','true'));
$scope.sort = function() {
$scope.data.sortDescriptions.push(new wijmo.collections.SortDescription('country','true')); //create CollectionView
var cv = new wijmo.collections.CollectionView(data);
//add the column to be sorted by creating an object of SortDescription
// we are sorting country column in ascending order
cv.sortDescriptions.push(new wijmo.collections.SortDescription("country", 'true'));
//set the datasource
grid.itemsSource = cv;